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Hello, I'm

Abdullah Al Maini

Software Developer

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Python, Java and C Developer
2nd Year Computer Science Student

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B.Sc. Computer Science Degree
University of Toronto

Hello, I'm Abdullah Al Maini, a Computer Science student currently residing in Toronto, Ontario. I'm pursuing my Bachelor of Science degree with honors in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics at the University of Toronto.

I have a passion for software development and problem-solving, which I've honed through various projects and coursework. From developing a stock price prediction system using Python to crafting accessible-oriented adventure games in Java, I thrive on turning ideas into reality through code.

With a strong foundation in languages like Java, Python, and C, coupled with experience in Git version control and deploying applications on platforms like Heroku, I'm continuously expanding my skill set. I believe in the power of collaboration and agile methodologies, evident in my exposure to Scrum during coursework and project management.

Outside of academia, I enjoy MMA, video-games and new technologies! Fluent in both English and Arabic, I'm excited about opportunities to connect with diverse communities and contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Welcome to my digital space, where I'll be sharing my journey, projects, and insights as I continue to grow and learn in the world of software development.

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